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1.301.869.4600 Sales@Wentworth.Aero
A rare opportunity to purchase a BBJ2 at a BBJ price. It won't last long!​ Major C check scheduled for completion August 2018. Drastic Price reduction. Best Buy!
Accommodates 26 passengers with in 3 compartment VVIP layout. Highlights of the aircraft include winglets, increased gross weight and PATS aux tanks with add’l tanks in storage.

Global Express s/n 9023
Loaded. Gorgeous designer interior. Batch 3, FANS-1A, CPDLC, ADSB-OUT, Swift Broadband with WiFi, 3G and 4G.
Only 4638 hours and 2551 landings. On MSP. Beautiful designer interior with 4 passenger forward cabin and 7 passenger aft cabin. Interior by D'Assault.
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